With the very late spring the honey bee swarm season has started. Swarming bees are intimidating to look at but they are NOT aggressive or pose a threat to you and your family. They are just stopping to rest, gorged on honey and enroute to a new home. Canterbury Beekeepers can capture them and further information is in the link. https://canterburybeekeepers.org.uk/swarms/
Waltham Gardeners Annual Show, 2.30pm Sat 7 Aug 2021
Waltham PC next meeting 6 July, 7.30pm WVH
Thank you so much to everyone who came and supported the Petham Pint and the pub quiz. Really funny evening, with a great atmosphere. Already looking forward to the next one in a month's time! I'll keep everyone posted on the dates. - Jessica MartinDale